Wonder Kids is a Therapeutic Equestrian training camp for handicap or disabled children located in Abingdon, Virginia. This organization is non profit and all proceeds go to the daily upkeep of the facility. The Facility is equipped with a well trained staff made up of volunteers who go through procedures on safety, and horses that have many years of experience working with children whom are disabled. Wonder Kids has two different types of courses available to its participants; the first being held during the school semester in which the Washington County school system regularly participates in allowing children to partake in these activities. The second is a summer camp which consists of a one week camp three times over the summer break regularly held in the months of June and July. Parents can decide if their child should partake in one, two, or all three weeks.
The average day for a participant in this training go through a day that consists of helping build people skills and motor skill training. The day starts out with the staff preparing for the arrival of the students which means prepping the horses and the activities for the day. Next, the volunteers along with the students sit down and pair up in groups along with designating a horse to each of them. After this the students will either head to the arena in which they will learn to guide their horse, along with the help of the volunteers by their side the entire time, or will go to the arts and crafts area to begin working on a project designed to help the student learn to stay focused on the task at hand. After all groups have done both sections have completed these steps all groups meet again to enjoy lunch and finish the day discussing what all they have learned.